
Why is retail so important in NH?
Formed in 1966, The New Hampshire Retail Association’s mission is to advocate for, promote, and support New Hampshire retailers. We are a statewide, not-for-profit, trade organization representing over 700 businesses in the Granite State. Our credibility lies in our longevity and our commitment to serving the ever-changing needs of our members. Our members range from the small independent business owner to major corporations, all with a single goal – to promote the success of the New Hampshire retail community.
The New Hampshire Retail Association serves as the “Voice of Retailing” in New Hampshire and represents the interests of our members before the State Legislature. We are a recognized player with the legislature, state agencies and the governor’s office. In addition, our members take advantage of a wide range of money-saving programs, including a multi-employer 401k retirement program, credit card processing and workers’ compensation insurance.
You can’t afford not to be a member of the New Hampshire Retail Association.
Click here to see our Mission, Vision and Strategy.